Monday, September 12, 2011

Gene sleuths tracing world cholera pandemic to Bangladesh

Agence France-Presse. Paris

A cholera pandemic that poor countries in three waves over nearly four decades has swept a bacterial load has been, which is initially in Bangladesh, reported scientists on Wednesday.

The current pandemic is the seventh since cholera, water and food-borne during diseases of vibrio cholera error, almost two centuries ago.

Gene sequencing of 154 samples of V. cholera patients around the world map drawn from today's pandemic be traced back can be on a first outbreak of cholera in the Bay of Bengal 1975 which said investigators.

1982 Acquired the strain, known as El Tor, genes that make resistant to antibiotics. Subsequently sat down successive waves of the disease around the world, passed from the original source.

The new test, published in the British journal nature, the Bay of Bengal refers to the likely role of modern travel in the transmission of the bacteria - and the importance as a ' container ', or a source from the always the germ can be transferred.

"Our research shows the importance of global transmission events to the spread of cholera," said Julian Parkhill of the British Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.

"This goes against previous believe that cholera is always rising from local tribes and provides useful information for the understanding of cholera outbreak."

Cholera is between 3 and 5 million people per year, with 100,000 120,000 deaths annually. Prominent outbreak occurred after the country's earthquake in Haiti in October 2010 for clean.

In June of this year, investigators determined U.S. that Nepal had been the bacteria brough in Haiti of UN peacekeeping forces.

The study is the latest example of the power of genomics - the unraveling of the DNA code of the organism, whose Mutationen enable to develop scientists, a ' family tree' on show when and where the error changed.

El Tor probably developed in the 1950s, the newspaper said.

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